FREE Money Training [Value $97]

Tim Bekker's new site has just gone LIVE...To celebrate this Tim gives away 50 Free Money Training Packages including:[3 Blueprints, 5 Templates and 1 Mp3 Recording] [REAL VALUE of $97+]

duminică, 27 martie 2011

Buying Cheap Traffic

There are many sources for buying traffic. Not all sources are created equal, but most will deliver traffic to the site of your choice for very minimal costs. The one thing to keep in mind is that the better traffic resale sources are generally the most costly. Do make sure to research your reseller prior to purchasing from them, or at least purchase a smaller package first to limit your losses. You should also pay attention to whether the traffic you will be receiving is Targeted or not. There is nothing worse than sending someone looking for golf information to a site about women’s beauty products.

This traffic can come in several forms, such as pop-under traffic, email blasts, guaranteed signups, expired domain traffic (talked about in more detail later in this manual), and other options. Pop-under traffic works just like it sounds. It is traffic that you receive to your site via pop-unders from other sites.

Email blasters or Traffic Blasters are heavily pushed in safelists and traffic exchanges as a traffic generation tactic. I have not used these methods personally, because they do not fit my business structure to do so; however, I have known other people to use these with mixed results. Some people swear by them, others swear them off. You should definitely do your own due diligence to see if these tactics are designed for your business or not.

joi, 24 martie 2011

Video Marketing - Quick Tip

One really good way to obtain free traffic for your website is "Video marketing".

Everyone knows that a picture is worth a thousand words. Therefore, more pictures should be worth much more. Where do we find more pictures together? In a video.

The method is relatively simple. Make a video about your website and post it on "Video Sharing Websites" like Youtube, Metacfe, Dailymotion, Megavideo etc.

So you get free traffic from:
  • links that you put in your video
  • link introduced in  the "resource box" of the video and this is a clickable link.
  • keywords introduced in the keywords box. If you know what you are doing, those keywords may put your video in the Google first page and this means a lot of FREE TRAFFIC.
But....How do we make a video?

The easiest way, is to find a video related to your niche, preferable one with free rights, download this video into your computer and with a free video editing tool (Windows Movie Maker), you can edit the video, put your website links in it, your message and upload it on the video sharing websites. The trick is to find a video for which you can use very searchable keywords.

A problem that may occur is that some sites do not let you download video material. For this problem I found a free software which can help you to download any video from the web, convert it, share on the social media websites or eaven burn it on a DVD. It's name is Real Player and you can take it free from here. your video from the web, edit, upload and share it. Trust me is a good FREE TRAFFIC source.

miercuri, 23 martie 2011

Easy Traffic Generator

Click to FREE download
   I've just discover this automated traffic getting technology which sends highly targeted visitors to your website... For Free!
Don't think that is a push button traffic generator. This kind of software don't exist. At least not a free one. But.......It is a software which automate your effort to generate FREE traffic.

Is a good piece of software. I've tried it. and this is what I've found:

  • Instantaneously Submit Your Content to THE Most Powerful Sites on the Internet
  • Rank on the Page #1 of Google and Youtube using Video, Articles, Press Releases and Social Media Sites
  • Generate FREE Traffic by Syndicating Your Best Content
  • Go Viral... Establish Credibility, Exposure and Authority Online
This software is an example of leveraging automation at it's best!

(Direct link - no autoresponder)

marți, 22 martie 2011

Matrix-Based List Builders

Matrix-based List Builders are the future of Safelists. By far, this is my most preferred tactic in list exchanges and I use these list builders a lot. After the corruption of the safelist idea, a few forward thinkers came along and decided that the original idea was a great one, it was just dropped along the way. Great idea, huh? It gets even better.

Here is a quick run down on how these list builders work. When you sign up, you get access to the list you are offered. They work on a matrix that allows you to receive people in your list that were not personally referred by you. You are usually only allowed to email this list one time per week (unless you are a paid member). This allows the control we talked about earlier and keeps members from abusing their privileges.

You can also build a downline in these matrices by referring new members, just like in traffic exchanges. For these referrals, you get bonus members in your own matrix to email to weekly. As you can imagine, this can add an alarming number to your email list possibilities in a short amount of time.

Another feature offered is an upgrade package that allows you to export your list from the list owner to your own files for you to add to your personal autoresponder. The upgraded package will give you other additional features, but just having the ability to export your subscribers is well worth the upgrade fee.

Bonus Bit:
Remember earlier we talked about using traffic exchanges to promote each other? Well, you can use the traffic exchanges to promote your list building matrix memberships as well and vice versa. This can help build your position in those programs and increase your traffic potential. Which is what this is all about, right?

luni, 21 martie 2011

Call-to-Action - The Perfect one

It's the moment to measure the validity of your call-to-action.

The call-to-action is one of the most relevant concepts to be the best in article composition and marketing.

It's where you describe the reader what to do when they've finished  lecture your composition. Once you show you have valuable insights to present in body of the composition, the call-to-action gives your lecturer their next step.

That's why most call-to-actions appear at the end of the composition.

You can't figure your audience to read your mind and acknowledge what they must to do next, so use a well-crafted call-to-action to be of use. I'll share how to compose a perfect call-to-action. To be convincing, your call-to-action should be natural, constructive and beneficial. In other words, make it clearly why they should execute what you're request of them in as few words as possible.

Let's see:

Tell Them What to Do - A reader should never complete one of your compositions and be left thinking  "What to do next?" Your call-to-action should alertly come up to this matter and give the reader some guidance. It generally  best at the end of a blog post, clip or article.

Keep it clear - Your call-to-action should ever be simple to follow and do. If it's too  complicated, your readers won't do it. Also, count any obstruction they may face in upcoming through on your call-to-action because the barrier may annihilate their concern in you.

Only Have a Single Call-to-Action - Your readers' time is just as  valuable as yours. If you give them more than only one thing to accomplish, they may not do everything at all.

Make it Constructive - People like to be conected with affirmative beliefes and concepts, so keep this in mind when writing your call-to-action. Including any negativity in your report could have an impression on how it's received.

Make it Desirable - Be explicit about the  principal benefits of completing the call-to-action. If you're forward them to a internet site or email newsletter, define why they need to take action. Also, you have their interest, so tell them to finish the action now. This may be the only time they take on youractivities, so use the call-to-action to open the potential of developing a professional connection.

Display the Full Internet Site Address - If your composition is picked up and reprinted by a publisher, using the full internet  address guarantee the link will live in thereprinted version. Anchor text, could not be as reprint-friendly. Using the full Internet Site address also helps to make your brand.

sâmbătă, 19 martie 2011


Safelists were once a very good opportunity to reach out to others with your message, your offer, your
website information. Unfortunately, somewhere along the line safelists have become no more than a safe haven for SPAM.
Don’t get me wrong, there are safelists that are more controlled by their owners and actually serve the purpose they were set up for; but these are few and far between.
The original premise behind safelists is that you could join a list agreeing to receive offers from others and you could email the list with your own offers.

 They were designed to be controlled in the amount of email you could send and the amount you would receive from each member. Now, when you join a safelist in most cases you are allowed to send out as many emails as you would like and so can every other member. As you can imagine, you can receive enough email in one or two days to fill up most email quotas.

The sad part of this is that the majority of these emails are absolute Junk! Safelists just do not perform as they once did and they probably never will.

miercuri, 16 martie 2011

Duplicate Content - Things to Know

Duplicate content is an issue for website owners because it affects their ranking in Duplicated content decreases a website's relevancy value in the eyes of the search engines, therefore its ranking suffers as a result. Sometimes, it's not that they want to use duplicate content but they are unaware that similar content is already out there on the internet.

Search engines like Google disapproves of duplicated content. Your website can be ignored or even be banned. That is why it is best for you to remove duplicate content as early as possible to avoid hassles in your website's ranking.

Keep in mind that because there are millions of sites that can be found on the Internet, users usually don't like seeing duplicate contents, be it unintentional or intentional. It affects your website's credibility and authority in the eyes of the users.

The first strategy to remove duplicate content is to create unique articles. In this way your website can be promoted to other article based websites as well. Keep in mind that you don't always need to write the unique articles yourself. You can hire research content writers to do it for you.
Just make sure that their main job is to create unique articles. The articles they write should not be similar to other articles on the internet and point out the keywords that you want to be optimized as well.
Search engines like Google have "spiders" that crawl the web regularly and they normally discount content that have similarities. Although there is no such thing as a duplicate penalty for Google, it is still a good idea to remove duplicate content especially if it is detected on your site.

Remember that your site's content should have relevant information. Create unique articles that contain information that are high in standard and relevant to the masses to ensure that it is viewed favorably by the search engines.

Do not forget that Google can consider you a spammer or having a malicious intent if too many duplicated content appears on your site so be vigilant about what you publish.

To make it easier for you, there are tools available to help you remove duplicate content. These tools will indicate that you have a similar content to other websites especially in articles, page titles, URL's and other elements that can be detected.

It will also help measure the keyword density and similar texts in your content. Although it will cost you more, it is a worthwhile investment since you are trying to optimize your site including its contents.

Always review your site's content and check if search engine spiders will definitely accept and rank your content. You can use the robot.txt file to help you detect any issues.

Detect the issues as early as possible and remove duplicate content at once. This should be done without hesitation since it will compromise your rank in the search engines.

Always be updated since search engines like Google are always on the lookout for duplicate contents.

luni, 14 martie 2011

Email List Exchanges

There are a couple of types of list exchanges that are popular and they both have their merit.
One type is a Safelist where people sign up to allow anyone on the list to send them email as long as they can send email to the entire safelist as well.
The other type is a Matrix-Based List Builder. This type of list exchange is much more effective for a couple of reasons. I personally prefer the latter to the former and I will tell you why as I discuss each type in more depth.
The great thing about email list exchanges is that unless the person using that particular exchange wants to lose their place in the network, and also lose all of the people they want to email their offers to, they will not remove themselves from the list exchange, and they will also continue to allow your offers to be sent to them.

Along the same lines as traffic exchanges, email list exchanges are another very effective method for drawing additional traffic to your business.

Article Marketing - Introduction

One of the best ways of promoting your website or everything else is "Article Marketing" and the best part it si  that it can be achieved for FREE. As an added incentive, this "free" method can supercharge your sites and sales, doubling or tripling your income.

Composition and submitting articles is one of the easiest way to boost your website for the purpose to increase traffic and growth your earnings.

What is the idea?

Create articles relating to your website and submit them to free articles directory sites. It is effortless to do, takes little time and can boost your website traffic, your sales and your income.

How can article marketing boost your website traffic, your sales and your income?

The article on the article directory or enzine contains a link to your website. When your readers, go through your articles, may decide to push your website link and pay you an unannounced visit. Having them on the free article submition sites is also making these articles accessible to any webmaster who desire to release that article on his website. If they do, your article will have a backlink to your website. And anyone who reads the article on that website can go to your site with a simple click on your link.

As the database of your publicised articles raise and your article are appearing on various websites, the amount of links to your site increases also. Leading search engines are placing a lot of substance on incoming links to websites so they can  influence the rank of a destined website.
The more backlinks the website has, the much grandness search engines attaches to it. This will increase your
website's rank in the results. If your website is into promoting something, the backlinks that your articles have achieved means more customers for you. Equal if visitors only go through, you never know if they might be in demand of what you are selling,some other time later.

There are also those who already know what they want but cannot end yet between the umteen choices online. Chances are, they may gait upon one of your articles, gets fascinated by the things you wrote about, go to your website and became enticed by your promotions.

Well I think things are quite simple.
What and how to write is a completely different game and we will see this in a future article.

duminică, 13 martie 2011

Free Web Traffic - Traffic Exchanges (Bonus bit)

Now how would you like to increase your effectiveness and efficiency of the traffic your Traffic Exchanging generates? I’m talking about exponentially. There is a way to do this that very few people take advantage of. Remember how I told you earlier that most traffic exchanges let you build a downline and gain extra credits for the site views of your personal referrals?

Well, believe it or not, most people do not do this. However, the people that do take advantage of this opportunity generally build up a huge number of credits, very quickly. Ultimately, these extra credits will result in the traffic exchange referring a larger number of visitors to your site over the others. Give me the
results of many others’ efforts over just my own any day. Be sure you understand the terms, conditions, and policies of each specific Traffic Exchange before you join so that you may derive the maximum amount of benefit from the relationship.

Another incredibly effective way to increase your efforts is to use one traffic exchange to promote another traffic exchange. I personally do this using a few different exchanges I am a member of. One of them is a manual site view exchange and another is a tool bar exchange where I view ads in my browser. This works on the same premise as the original exchange concept, except that instead of viewing ads in a browser window, it is a bit less intrusive. The concept of promoting one exchange with the other and vice versa is simple. You build a downline in both traffic exchanges at the same time. This can build traffic extremely fast and allow you to not only build your leads, but also generate additional traffic in record time.

Free Web Traffic - Traffic Exchanges 2

The best way to get the action you desire is to build a special page that you use for your traffic exchanges. The sole purpose of this page is to capture leads or subscribers.

The primary benefit to using Traffic Exchanges is to get people to visit your website so that they can be “recruited” to either buy your product(s) or sign up for your membership based website.

Your link on the Traffic Exchange should point to a page on your website that has a “Reach Out and Grab You” headline, a few Bullet Points highlighting the benefits of submitting a name and email address, and an Autoresponder Form to capture those names and email addresses. That’s All. No flashy graphics. No outlandish site design. Keep the page design simple and straight forward.

The only thing you want to do with a traffic exchange is get your prospects information. There are several things that you can do with a viewer once they have subscribed from the Traffic Exchange:

1. Make a “sales pitch” to the viewer in an attempt to get them to buy your product
2. Get them to sign up for your membership based website
3. Present information on subject matter that is consistent with, and relevant to the subject matter of the Traffic Exchange category from whence youruser came

Once you have your viewer’s information, then you can send them more detailed follow-up information.. In the emails you send, you have much more room to “sell” them on your site features, benefits, and so forth. This is where your marketing comes into play.

The primary reason that people may not want to give you their personal information is because they don’t know what you are going to do with it once you have it.

If you are going to ask people to provide you with their information it is imperative that you provide them with the promise (that you keep) that you willthat you provide them with the promise (that you keep) that you will never sell, rent, share, or otherwise disseminate their personal information to anyone, for any purpose, at any time.

If you are going to ask your visitor to provide you with their personal information it is also very helpful if you clearly state your commitment not to disseminate their information right on the page. DO NOT provide a link to your privacy statement. Put it right on the page below the autoresponder form.

This practice is significantly more preferable than providing a privacy link because with the link you are asking your visitor to do something, and take another action, in order to see the information. In most cases, they will instead opt to not provide you with any information at all.

If your short, simple privacy policy is clearly stated on the page, it is right for the viewer to see. It’s a pretty simple, yet powerful concept when you think about it. Isn’t it kind of unreasonable to expect that the reader will actually…

· Click on the privacy statement linkClick on the privacy statement link
· Actually read the privacy statementActually read the privacy statement
· Either click the “back” button or another link to return to the original pageEither click the “back” button or another link to return to the original page
· Fill out your formFill out your form
· And actually submit the information.And actually submit the information.

Free Web Traffic - Traffic Exchanges 1

One of the most popular free traffic generation techniques is to use something called a Traffic Exchange. Let’s take a moment to define exactly what a Traffic Exchange is…

Traffic Exchanges are basically what the term sounds like. They are a websiteset up to allow each “member” of the exchange network to showcase their sites in exchange for viewing the websites of other network members.

Generally, for each website you view as a member you gain a credit of .50 or ˝ a credit. This credit “ratio” will vary depending upon which exchange you are a member of. Each full credit means that your site is viewed by another member.

Not all traffic exchanges are created equal. Some outperform others. Some offer better benefits, ratios, and even a downline creation so you can earn credits of the views of other members you have personally referred into the exchange network.

The biggest mistake most people make while using traffic exchanges is that they send the traffic directly to their website home page or a sales page for a product or service. This is very non-productive.

Most exchange networks run on a 20 or 30 second timer. This means you have, at most, 30 seconds to grab the attention of your viewer and make them want to take some kind of action. Some exchanges will automatically move on to the next member page after the timer is completed, while others (generally the better ones) require you to click on a link, a particular icon or item, or a button to move to the next page. The best ones require the item you click on to match up with what they tell you to click in order to verify you are a real person and are really using the exchange network. These types of exchanges keep “bots” or special software/scripts from running on their networks and showing false traffic.

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