Signature files are a much overlooked tactic that you should be utilizing every chance you get. If you are a member of a discussion group or forum, most allow you to have a signature file that goes at the bottom of each post you make.
This is the best free advertising space you can find. You should be sure to use it effectively.
If you offer truly great posts, advice, or comments on forums, blogs, or anywhere else you might make a posting, people tend to take notice. They will often become curious and check out the website in your signature to see what you are promoting.
Further, this is an effective technique because of search engine crawlers. If you make a post to a forum, or a blog, particularly if the site to which you are posting is relevant to the subject matter of your own website, the search engine’s crawler is going to see the website URL in your signature as an external link to you site.
Search engines pay BIG bonus points for the search engine rankings of your site when they find links on other websites that point to your site and the content of the website pointing to yours is highly relevant.
Ok, I’ve said it two different ways, now let me bang on this one last time and I’ll leave you alone, relevancy counts with search engines BIGTIME.
When designing your Signature File for a forum, make sure you are aware of, and follow, the forum rules as well as the design structure required. Most forums will not allow you to have over 5 lines in your signature. Many forums do not use HTML for signature files, so they will not show up correctly if you use HTML to design it. Many forums use BBCode or something similar.
If there is not a help file and you have any questions on how to design your signature for a particular forum, you can usually contact the admin or a moderator to see how theirs works.
Ok, I’ve said it two different ways, now let me bang on this one last time and I’ll leave you alone, relevancy counts with search engines BIGTIME.
When designing your Signature File for a forum, make sure you are aware of, and follow, the forum rules as well as the design structure required. Most forums will not allow you to have over 5 lines in your signature. Many forums do not use HTML for signature files, so they will not show up correctly if you use HTML to design it. Many forums use BBCode or something similar.
If there is not a help file and you have any questions on how to design your signature for a particular forum, you can usually contact the admin or a moderator to see how theirs works.
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