sâmbătă, 25 iunie 2011

Thinking of Creating an eBook?

Here’s a System to Guide You Through It

If there’s one question that I get asked more than any other at the moment it is about eBooks. In fact there are three main questions that I’m asked on the topic of eBooks more than any other:
How do I create content for eBooks?How do I design beautiful eBooks (covers and internal design)?How do I market and launch eBooks to maximise their potential?
Over the last few years selling eBooks has become a larger and larger part of my business (in fact its now the #1 way I earn a living) and these three questions have been the same three big issues that I’ve had to grapple with time and time again.
To be honest I’m still refining my systems even now after years at it but in the early days the process was very very messy and quite hit and miss.
The learning was slow – nobody had written a comprehensive guide to walk me through the process, so I had to really develop my own way forward.
This week Kelly Kingman and Pamela Wilson have released a fantastic guide to walk eBook publishers through a great system of creating, designing and launching eBooks.

It’s called the eBook Evolution.

Having just reviewed it today I can safely say it is what I needed a few years back when I was starting out – it would have paid for itself many times over by now.
Pamela and Kelly bring some great skills and experiences to this eBook. Pamela is a graphic designer with many years of experience and Kelly is a published author and experienced eBook creator. I’ve been so impressed by Kelly’s previous eBooks that we’re actually working together on a photography eBook to be released in the next weeks – she knows what she is doing!
Together they’ve created eBook Evolution which is divided into 3 areas corresponding with those 3 common questions about eBooks:
Write it – from choosing your topic through to writing your manuscriptCreate it – eBook Evolution gives you some great templates to use to help you create a beautiful eBook. You also get a Cover Recipe book to make attractive covers. This section has some great screencasts as well as templates you can use to do your own eBook design.Launch it – some fantastic tips on how to get word about your eBook out there to the right people to help you promote it.
On top of that you get some great bonuses including a Quick Start Guide, a brainstorming guide to help you come up with ideas and some useful interviews.
The eBook Evolution is available for $147. It comes with a 30 day money back guarantee.
If eBooks are on the horizon for you (or even if you’re already publishing them) but you’re unsure how to develop a system to write, create and launch the – this is a guide that you’ll seriously want to consider.
As I said above – if this had been around 2-3 years ago I could see that it would have returned the $147 investment many times over (all I’d have had to do is sell an extra eight $19.99 ebooks over the last few years from what I learned to make the money back).
Learn more about what the eBook Evolution includes and secure your own copy here
Disclaimer: While I am an affiliate for this product I am also a big fan of Kelly, Pamela and the wonderful resource that they’ve created.
Note: This post has been updated after the initial launch special of this product ended.
View the original article here

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